
I’m a big nerdy guy and sometimes it’s flippin’ hard to find shirts that fit AND that I want to wear. This site aggregates large mens shirts with a funny and geek themes. We no longer have to be locked into Hawaiian shirts or walmart flannel. You’re welcome fellow fluffies.

I won’t post a shirt here unless it’s available in at least a 3XL. Of course, since I’m not making these things, I can’t guarantee they will be in stock in all sizes and colors by the time you find this site, just putting that out there.

Here’s me a couple years ago:

Yep. I have earned the right to make fat jokes – which you may occasionally see on this site. Try not to take it too seriously.

Also, if you click a link then buy something I MIGHT get a few cents or even a dollar or two. There, full disclosure. Enjoy my site =)


Oh and if you’re worried about that fish, don’t be. He was released and in excellent health when I last saw him.